Infertility is defined as the condition of not being to conceive after prolonged unprotected sex. There are many reasons that can lead to infertility, it can be age-related, sexually transmitted infections, or due to being overweight or underweight.
There are other external reasons like radiation (exposure to radiation can cause a high risk of infertility), chemotherapy, and immune infertility (the immune system rejects the sperm entering the body).
How Infertile Clinic Can Wipe Out Your Infertility?
It is important to know that it can also be the male partner that can have infertility. Any suspicion of infertility should be taken to a certified doctor for analysis.
After choosing a fertility doctor you get hundreds of questions in your mind. You don’t know what to expect. Let’s break that down into simpler steps and clear all the confusion in your mind.
What To Expect At An Infertility Appointment?
Sharing your medical records and insurance details: You need to share your medical history with the respective doctor you are consulting. That includes any important or relevant condition you had or have. Provide information about any current medications you are taking.
It is better to list everything so that the doctor can understand better about the medical condition you are in. Try to provide the dosage details also if you can. Any details on prior treatments for infertility should be provided. Information about infertility in your family should be provided. Provide the relevant insurance documents for the coverage of your medical expenditure.
Taking vitals and initial tests: Vitals along with height, weight and details about the menstruation cycle is taken. The age of first menstruation, how regular is the cycle, how painful is your period, the average length of a period and any post-menstrual syndromes.
You can track your period cycle by recording the body temperature for a sufficient amount of time.
Also, the blood work of the patients is taken. Using the blood sample taken the hormone level of each patient is understood. In the case of females, the hormone levels checked are FSH, LH, TSH and prolactin.
-An endocrinologist will meet you: This part in the appointment is very important when compared to the other two mentioned above. The doctor will ask you questions about your lifestyle, sex life and the time period you were trying to conceive.
-Fertility Tests: Pelvic examination is conducted. The pelvic examination checks the thickness of the uterus walls and also checks for other abnormalities. A test for cervical cancer is also done during the examination. Further examination by ultrasound is done on the reproductive system. The ultrasound is done to understand the condition of the ovarian follicles of the patient.
-Discussing the treatment: After the test and the processes the doctor will provide his initial inference and what are the things that should be considered. This appointment is important because any question or information regarding the treatment will be answered by the doctor. It is the doctor’s job to educate the patient about the procedure and the risks involved.
In this initial conversation, you can get information about the success rate of the clinic and other options you have in the current situation. You should try to understand the options that are provided by the clinic. Consider writing down any questions that you may have and ask the doctor in the next appointment.
This provides information for the doctor to consider new treatment ways or follow the current one and it opens the way for new options. Try to make sure that the clinic has an emotional support department to check on your mental health during the process.
During the treatment or appointment, it is important to understand that the issue should be considered as a problem to be solved together rather than blaming the partner. The mental health of both people is of great importance for the treatment. Try to use the emotional support options provided by the clinic.
It is important to understand that treatment is not the only option. There are artificial insemination, ovarian stimulation, surrogacy and In-vitro fertilization. It should be understood that there are certain conditions that should be satisfied for these methods. Artificial insemination is used in the case of male infertility.
The male partner is unable to provide the required sperm count or quality or both. In this case, doctors use artificial insemination where the sperm are directly released into the fallopian tubes for a higher rate of fertilization. The second option is ovarian stimulation where the ovary is stimulated to produce more than one egg to increase the chance of fertilization.
This is achieved by hormone treatment in female partners. Surrogacy is often done for couples having an inhospitable environment in the uterus.
The ovum and sperm are combined outside in a lab and placed in the uterus of the surrogate mother. This child born will have the father and mother’s DNA; the surrogate mother is only the carrier of the baby. In-vitro fertilization is done in the lab by complicated procedures to help with infertility and assist in conception.