Getting ready for a new baby with your older kids is super important for the whole family. While everyone’s excited, parents might also worry about how their older kids will feel. You might wonder: How do we tell them? Will they feel left out? How can we help them get along?

Talking openly and honestly with your older kids about the new baby, letting them help with getting things ready, and reassuring them that you’ll still love them lots can help ease their worries. Encouraging them to be excited about being big brothers or sisters and doing fun things together can make the whole process smoother. By listening to their feelings and involving them in the plans, you can help your older kids feel happy and ready to welcome the new baby into the family!

  • Kids of various ages will respond in unique ways to a new baby.
  • Different kids react differently when a new baby joins the family. Knowing what to expect from each age group can help you handle changes better.

Tell about your pregnancy – For toddlers aged 1 to 2 years

For toddlers aged 1 to 2 years, they might not understand much about having a new sibling. But it’s important to let them feel your excitement about the “new baby.” Even if they don’t fully get it, your happy feelings will rub off on them, and they’ll feel happy too.

  • Remember, it can be hard to take care of both kids all the time, especially alone. Don’t worry about asking your partner, family, or friends for help.
  • Reading picture books about new babies can help your child get used to words like “sister,” “brother,” and “new baby.”

When the new baby arrives, try to make your older child feel special too. Tell them they’re still loved. You can give them a special present, let them spend time with dad, grandma, or someone else they like, or take them somewhere fun. Giving them extra attention helps them get used to the changes.

Also Read : Preparing Siblings For A New Baby : Smooth Transitions

Tell about your pregnancy – pre scoolers kids age 2 to 4

For preschoolers, aged 2 to 4 years, they’re still really attached to you and might not understand how to share you with others. They can be sensitive to changes and might feel a bit worried about having a new family member. Here are some ideas to help your preschooler feel more comfortable about being a big brother or sister.

Wait a bit before telling your preschooler about the baby. Talk about it when you start getting baby stuff like furniture or clothes, or if they ask about your growing belly. Picture books about babies can be really helpful. You can also see if your hospital offers sibling classes. It’s good to tell your child before they hear it from someone else.

Be honest with your preschooler. Let them know the baby will be cute but will also cry a lot and need a bunch of your time. Tell them they might have to wait a bit before they can play with the baby. And remind them you’ll love them just as much after the baby comes.

Get your preschooler involved in getting ready for the baby. Let them help pick out baby stuff when you go shopping. Show them pictures of when they were a baby. If you’re using some of their old baby things, let them play with them again before the baby needs them. And get them a doll so they can take care of their own “baby.”

Try to make any big changes in your child’s routine before the baby comes. If you can, finish potty training or moving from a crib to a bed. If not, wait until after the baby is home. Your child might feel overwhelmed with too many changes at once.

Your child might act younger for a bit. They might have accidents even though they were potty trained or want to use a bottle again. This is normal—they’re just looking for some extra attention. Let them have it and praise them when they act like a big kid again.

Before you go to the hospital, talk to your child about what’s happening. They might be confused when you leave. Tell them you’ll be back soon with the new baby.

Make sure to spend special time with your older child. Read, play games, or just chat together. Let them know you love them and want to spend time with them. And let them cuddle next to you when you’re taking care of the baby.

When friends and family come to see the new baby, ask them to spend a little time with your older child too. It’ll make them feel special and not left out. And they might even bring a little gift for your older child along with the baby’s gifts.

Encourage your child to spend time with dad too. A new baby is a great chance for dads to have some one-on-one time with older kids.

Read more : 20 Yummy And Healthy Snack Ideas For Picky Eaters: Perfect For Toddlers

Tell about your pregnancy – kids aged 5 and up

For kids aged 5 and up, they’re usually not as worried about a new baby as younger kids are. But they might feel a bit jealous of the attention the baby gets. Here are some tips to help your school-aged child get ready for the new baby:

Explain what’s happening in words they understand. Tell them about the new baby and what might change—both the good and the not-so-good stuff.

Let your older child help with getting ready for the baby. They can help set up the baby’s room, pick out clothes, or even buy diapers.

If you can, bring your older child to the hospital soon after the baby is born. That way, they’ll feel like they’re part of the new family from the start.

When you bring the baby home, make sure your older child knows they have a role in taking care of the baby too. Tell them they can hold the baby, but they need to ask you first. Praise them when they’re gentle and loving with the baby.

Don’t forget about your older child’s needs and things they like to do. Let them know how much you love them. Try to spend some time alone with them every day and remind them how special they are to you.

10 Tips to do with your older child when you are pregnant

When you’re pregnant, it’s essential to involve your older child in the journey to make them feel included and excited about the new addition to the family. Here are some fun and engaging activities to do with your older child during pregnancy:

Baby Naming Game:

  • Make a game out of choosing the baby’s name. Write down a list of names you like and have your older child do the same. Then, take turns sharing your favorite names and discussing why you like them.

Tell older kids to belly painting:

Spend story time with older kids:

  • Set aside special moments to read books about pregnancy, childbirth, and becoming a big brother or sister. Use this time to answer any questions your child may have and reassure them about the changes ahead.

Baby Shopping with Older Kids: Enjoy together!

  • Take your older child along for shopping trips to buy baby clothes, toys, and other essentials. Let them pick out a few items for their new sibling, helping them feel involved in preparing for the baby’s arrival.

Ultrasound Excursion:

  • If possible, bring your older child along to one of your prenatal appointments where they can see the baby on the ultrasound monitor. This can be an exciting and memorable experience for them.

Baby Care Practice: Learn together!

  • Use dolls or stuffed animals to role-play baby care activities like feeding, changing diapers, and rocking to sleep. This can help familiarize your older child with what to expect and make them feel more comfortable around the new baby.

Special Outings:

Family Photo Shoot:

  • Arrange a family photo shoot to capture memories of your pregnancy journey together. Let your older child participate in choosing outfits and poses, making them feel like an important part of the process.

Letter to the Baby:

  • Encourage your older child to write a letter or draw a picture for the baby. This can be a sweet keepsake to share with the baby when they’re older, showcasing the bond between siblings.

Quality Time:

  • Lastly, make sure to spend quality one-on-one time with your older child, giving them your undivided attention and showing them how much you love and appreciate them amidst the excitement of preparing for a new baby.


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