Pregnancy Week 27
Pregnancy Week 27

Your little one has grown to the size of a cauliflower

As you near the end of your second trimester, discover the latest updates on your baby’s growth during week 27. Additionally, educate yourself on how hepatitis can affect pregnancy and how to combat any feelings of depression during this period, commonly referred to as the “pregnancy blues.

Pregnancy Week 27 Quick Facts

  • At 27 weeks, you’re six months pregnant 
  • You have 13 weeks until your due time “Calculate Your Due Date”
  • You’re in your second trimester

Your Unborn Baby’s Size at 27 Weeks

How Big is a Baby?

Your little one has grown to the size of a cauliflower, measuring 14.41 inches in length and weighing 1.93 pounds. At this stage, your baby may be capable of distinguishing between your voice and your partner’s or spouse’s voice.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 27

If you could take a peek at your 27-week-old fetus, you would notice the baby has continued to put on some fat and muscle with all the moving and dancing in your 27 weeks pregnant belly. Although the baby is just the size of a cauliflower, it’s over a foot long now and looks like a smaller, skinnier version of the baby you’ll meet when they’re born. At this stage, the baby is also learning to suck, so you might catch them sucking their thumb in utero. How adorable!

Unfortunately, the uncomfortable symptoms you’ve been experiencing during pregnancy are likely to persist at 27 weeks, but you may have developed some strategies to cope with them. The most common symptoms at this stage include: Leg cramps, Backaches, Constipation, Hemorrhoids also additional symptoms.

Changes to skin, hair, and nails: These changes are unpredictable and can go either way – your skin, hair, and nails may grow faster or become thicker, but they may also become more brittle.

Smising: This term refers to the experience of accidentally urinating when sneezing. The baby’s pressure on your bladder is likely the cause. To manage it, take frequent restroom breaks and consider wearing pantiliners if needed.

  • Healthy weight gain is a necessary part of pregnancy.
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, your breasts also account for some added pregnancy weight. Normally, breast size depends on the amount of fat tissue in the breast.
  • This growth changes the size and weight of your breasts.

Prenatal Tests and Doctor’s Appointments

If you’ve had a smooth pregnancy until now, it’s likely that you won’t need to schedule a prenatal appointment or ultrasound at 27 weeks. However, beginning next week, you’ll have appointments with your doctor twice a month, or every other week. To make the waiting room visits more enjoyable, you might want to bring some magazines or download new apps.

  • The CDC recommends that all pregnant people get the whooping cough vaccine (Tdap) between 27 and 36 weeks of each pregnancy.
  • To maximize your antibody response, it’s best to get the shot as close to 27 weeks as possible.
  • The vaccine is safe for both you and your baby.
  • Common side effects of vaccines include pain, redness, swelling, body aches, fatigue, and fever.

– Risk in the 27th week of pregnancy

Intrauterine Growth Restriction

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a condition where a baby is not growing as expected. It can be caused by factors such as the pregnant parent’s health, the baby’s health, or a problem with the pregnancy. Treatment includes 

  • More frequent monitoring
  • Ultrasounds
  • Special testing
  • Bedrest
  • Hospital treatment with IV nutrition and other medication.

Developmental Milestones


After 26 weeks, your baby’s brain is highly active. The neurons and synapses are forming and creating complex connections throughout the different regions of the brain.


Your baby’s lungs are continuing to mature and prepare for breathing after birth. The air sacs in the lungs, also known as alveoli, are expanding to help your baby breathe and exchange air. Additionally, the lung cells are producing a small amount of surfactant, which is essential for keeping the alveoli from collapsing. Your baby is also practicing breathing movements by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which helps in their lung development.

Survival Outside the Womb:

Babies born at 27 weeks are considered extremely premature and require intensive care. Research has shown that up to 90% of these babies will survive with support in the NICU.