Pregnancy Week 23
Pregnancy Week 23

Baby is the size of an eggplant.

As you enter your 23rd week of pregnancy, your baby continues to grow, and your body is going through some noticeable changes. By now, you have been in the second trimester for over two months, and you may feel more comfortable with your pregnancy.

However, you are also aware that the due date is approaching quickly, and your growing bump may be more difficult to hide. Inside your body, here’s what’s happening this week.

Pregnancy Week 23 Quick Facts

  • At 23 weeks, you’re almost six months pregnant
  • You have 17 weeks remaining your due time “Calculate your due date
  • You’re in your second trimester

Your Unborn Baby’s Size at 23 Weeks

How Big is Baby?

At 23 weeks, your baby is approximately 11.38 inches long and weighs around 500 grams (or 17.64 ounces). it’s almost the size of an eggplant.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 23

Vision Problem:

During pregnancy, hormonal changes and increased fluid in the body can cause various eye and vision problems, such as 

    • Blurry vision
    • Changes in eyelids
    • Dry eyes
    • Feeling discomfort /Pain During wearing contact lenses.

Although many people claim that the second trimester is the easiest and least symptomatic of the three, everyone’s experience is different, and your body is still going through changes.

As you approach the end of the second trimester, you may begin to encounter more symptoms, such as 

    • Nosebleeds
    • Bleeding gums
    • Round ligament pain
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Thicker and shinier hair
    • Tiredness
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Fatigue

Prenatal Tests and Doctor’s Appointments

Your healthcare provider suggest some points for this week and next upcoming weeks like 

    • balanced diet and take prenatal vitamins
    • Incorporating exercise into your routine can help you stay healthy 
    • Manage weight gain within the recommended guidelines. 
    • Spending time outdoors is also beneficial, as it can boost your mood and motivate you to engage in physical activity.

Also suggest for Vitamin D:

    • Getting enough vitamin D during pregnancy is important for the baby’s bone growth, brain development, and future mental health.
    • To ensure sufficient vitamin D intake, taking prenatal vitamins that contain 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D is recommended.
    • Additionally, safely spending 5 to 30 minutes in the sun between the hours of 10 am and 3pm twice a week without sunscreen on your face, arms, legs, or back can provide enough daily vitamin D. If needed, your healthcare provider may suggest additional supplementation.
    • Although there are few natural food sources of vitamin D, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, fish liver oil, and fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and breakfast cereals can help.

– Risk in the 23rd week of pregnancy

Labor that happens before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy is known as preterm labor.

Although it doesn’t always lead to premature birth, it can be difficult to prevent in some cases. Symptoms of preterm labor may include

    1. Backache
    2. Cramping
    3. Lower abdominal pain
    4. Pressure in the pelvic area
    5. Change in vaginal discharge
    6. Regular or frequent contractions.

If you experience any of these symptoms or are concerned about preterm labor, it’s important to contact your healthcare provider and go to the hospital to be examined by a provider.

Developmental Milestones


As your baby grows, they are developing more muscles and becoming stronger, leading to increased activity. You may notice more movement from your baby during this time.

Brain Development:

During this period, your baby’s brain is undergoing rapid development.


At 23 weeks, a baby’s eyes can respond to light. Shining a flashlight on your belly may cause the baby to move or react.


The baby’s fingernails have now grown and reached the tips of their fingers.

Survival outside the womb

Survival outside the womb is unlikely for babies born before 23 weeks, but there is a chance for extremely premature babies born during the 23rd week of pregnancy.

However, these babies are still not fully developed for life outside the womb and require specialized care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Research has shown that in developed countries, between 23% and 27% of babies born at 23 weeks survive and eventually go home with their families.